The Six conditions of healing by Gilles Marin

1 Safety & comfort: We need to feel safe: We have gathered the three conditions of energy, support system, and maturity so we know that we have what it takes. We know that we can’t hurt more than we already did. We can give ourselves permission to surrender to the healing process.

2 Quiet thinking: We need to quiet the thinking mind: No need to understand, no need to figure out anything or to look for solutions.

3 Feel more: Permission to feel: Our mental energy has to be completely invested to validate every feeling we get in touch in the present moment.

4 Importance for detail: Every feeling we get now is of the outmost importance: There is no minimizing anything. Giving oneself permission to acknowledge the familiarity of the feelings without the need to understand them. They have been there for a long time, waiting to come out of hiding, waiting to be acknowledged and validated.

5 Letting go & allowing change: Let the transformations happen: Let the feelings come, let the feelings go. We can let ourselves feel now. All that energy invested into patterns of tension to protect oneself from feeling bad are no longer needed and collapse and turn into transformative healing energy.

6 Accepting change: Accept the change: We are no longer the same person. We are not predictable any longer. We are operating on a different system with a freer and lighter emotional body, better connected to our spirit. Let’s take the time and the space to recognize ourselves and to affirm ourselves to others. Let’s take our new place in the world.