Contakids Berlin | K77 every Monday | Prenzlauer Berg
4:05 PM16:05

Contakids Berlin | K77 every Monday | Prenzlauer Berg


Contakids ist eine Bewegungsmethode für Eltern und Kind, um durch Spiel, Spass und

körperlichen Kontakt eine tiefere Kommunikation zu entwickeln. Über die Arbeit mit

Bewegung kann deine Kind motorische Fähigkeiten und Selbstvertrauen stärken,

während ihr Eltern durch die Partnerübungen ein Vertrauensverhältnis zu eurem Kind

aufbaut. Berührung, Spiel und Wohlgefühl in Verbindung ist essentiell für die Entwicklung von Kindern.

Wie läuft eine ContaKinds-Stunde ab?

* Jede Stunde startet mit einem Aufwärmen für Erwachsene, und beinhaltet Partnerspiele, Dynamik in Gruppen und Groß-Kleinkonstellationen.

* 45 Minuten lang etwa werden wir üben und abschließend habt Ihr 15 Minuten Zeit für freie Bewegungen und Kuscheln.

* Wir tanzen, rutschen und rollen, wir bewegen uns über Kopf, rollen, springen, fallen und rennen. Sowohl Ihr Erwachsenen als auch Eure Kinder können erwarten, herausgefordert zu werden, Freundschaften zu schließen und viel Spaß zu haben.

* Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Klassen für Kinder ist der Erwachsene genauso Teil des Unterrichts. Wir schöpfen die besondere Bindung zwischen Euch und Eurem Kind voll aus.

Für wen ist der Kurs?

Für (D)ein Kind (2–4 Jahre) und eine erwachsene Person – Du selbst oder eine nahestehende Person (bis 99 Jahre) aus dem Umfeld Deines Kindes.

Info zur Teilnahme

  • Anmeldung via Anmeldeformular hier.

  • 60 Minuten pro Woche

  • Probestunde: 12,00 €

  • Monatsbeitrag: 80,00 € für das Paar

Was ihr Braucht

  • Bitte kommt mindestens 10min Minuten früher an, um ruhig zu landen und bringt bequeme Kleidung mit.

  • Bringt ein offenes Herz und Geduld mit. Jedes Kind hat einen eigenen Zeitpunkt, um ins Spiel zu kommen, und braucht Raum um seinen eigenen Wohlfühlort innerhalb der Gruppe zu finden. 

  • Bringt Präsenz und Neugier mit. Versucht, Erwartungen und Ziele zu Hause zu lassen und Raum für neue Möglichkeiten und Entdeckung zu schaffen.


    Montag Nachmittags 16:05–17:05 Uhr

    Ankommen im Studio ab: 16Uhr

    Beginn der Klasse: 16:05Uhr

    Programm: 55min + 5min austanzen, toben, kuscheln, Fragen stellen

    Abschluss: 17 :05Uhr

In brief, for english speakers, you are welocme! This course however will be held in German, but i am more than happy to translate. And know that you can trust your senses and your body language which is key for contakids . Wordly language is secondary.

You can find more info about the method in the section Contakids.

Wear loose training clothes so you feel free to move.

No prior experience is needed for Contakids.  

Email me if you have any questions. Get in touch.

I look forward to facilitate your experience,


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Contakids Berlin | K77 every Monday | Prenzlauer Berg
4:05 PM16:05

Contakids Berlin | K77 every Monday | Prenzlauer Berg


Contakids ist eine Bewegungsmethode für Eltern und Kind, um durch Spiel, Spass und

körperlichen Kontakt eine tiefere Kommunikation zu entwickeln. Über die Arbeit mit

Bewegung kann deine Kind motorische Fähigkeiten und Selbstvertrauen stärken,

während ihr Eltern durch die Partnerübungen ein Vertrauensverhältnis zu eurem Kind

aufbaut. Berührung, Spiel und Wohlgefühl in Verbindung ist essentiell für die Entwicklung von Kindern.

Wie läuft eine ContaKinds-Stunde ab?

* Jede Stunde startet mit einem Aufwärmen für Erwachsene, und beinhaltet Partnerspiele, Dynamik in Gruppen und Groß-Kleinkonstellationen.

* 45 Minuten lang etwa werden wir üben und abschließend habt Ihr 15 Minuten Zeit für freie Bewegungen und Kuscheln.

* Wir tanzen, rutschen und rollen, wir bewegen uns über Kopf, rollen, springen, fallen und rennen. Sowohl Ihr Erwachsenen als auch Eure Kinder können erwarten, herausgefordert zu werden, Freundschaften zu schließen und viel Spaß zu haben.

* Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Klassen für Kinder ist der Erwachsene genauso Teil des Unterrichts. Wir schöpfen die besondere Bindung zwischen Euch und Eurem Kind voll aus.

Für wen ist der Kurs?

Für (D)ein Kind (2–4 Jahre) und eine erwachsene Person – Du selbst oder eine nahestehende Person (bis 99 Jahre) aus dem Umfeld Deines Kindes.

Info zur Teilnahme

  • Anmeldung via Anmeldeformular hier.

  • 60 Minuten pro Woche

  • Probestunde: 12,00 €

  • Monatsbeitrag: 80,00 € für das Paar

Was ihr Braucht

  • Bitte kommt mindestens 10min Minuten früher an, um ruhig zu landen und bringt bequeme Kleidung mit.

  • Bringt ein offenes Herz und Geduld mit. Jedes Kind hat einen eigenen Zeitpunkt, um ins Spiel zu kommen, und braucht Raum um seinen eigenen Wohlfühlort innerhalb der Gruppe zu finden. 

  • Bringt Präsenz und Neugier mit. Versucht, Erwartungen und Ziele zu Hause zu lassen und Raum für neue Möglichkeiten und Entdeckung zu schaffen.


    Montag Nachmittags 16:05–17:05 Uhr

    Ankommen im Studio ab: 16Uhr

    Beginn der Klasse: 16:05Uhr

    Programm: 55min + 5min austanzen, toben, kuscheln, Fragen stellen

    Abschluss: 17 :05Uhr

In brief, for english speakers, you are welocme! This course however will be held in German, but i am more than happy to translate. And know that you can trust your senses and your body language which is key for contakids . Wordly language is secondary.

You can find more info about the method in the section Contakids.

Wear loose training clothes so you feel free to move.

No prior experience is needed for Contakids.  

Email me if you have any questions. Get in touch.

I look forward to facilitate your experience,


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3:00 PM15:00

Moon Moments

My vision is to guide young female-identifying humans into their womenhood, for easeful transitions into their gift. We build relationship to self and others, meeting the power of the heart, trust in being - to give and receive

The topic of this weeks circle is: Presence and Connection

Being together in presence is essential and invalid for our connection to ourselves, and the heart. Learning early on to embrace the power of love and the power in sistership, is an experience that cannot be said in words, only the heart knows.

Moon Moment is a community, a space for young female identifying beings aged 13-17ys. It’s a place of honest connections, where we are in a shared field where we can simply be, be real, speak what's on our hearts and minds and be wise and vulnerable and all in between, depending on the current mood. Be inspired and also inspire. We meet once a week, every Friday. You will learn to build relationship and connection by being in circle together.
By sharing your presence to other like-minded beings, you will learn to receive. Feel free to come join alone, or you are welcome to bring your friend. Most importantly, come open-hearted to meet new beings that share the same challenges and timeline with you.
I am here to guide your experience into the path of your body connection, your womb and your heart as a woman. It can be your journey into embodiment, and meeting your authentic self, build confidence in relation, see yourself and and others as a powerful driven human.

It s for you if you feel lost, it‘s for you if you feel eager, it‘s for you if you feel a longing, it‘s for you if you feel a challenge in your life - in school - in your relations - in your body - your mind. Know that you are welcome exactly as you are. Trust yourself. It's also for you, if you don‘t frikkin know what you want.

Together we meet each other here in circle.
Each circle session holds a topic which you will know about prior to meeting, these topics include; togetherness, communication, healthy relations, body awareness, self-care, cyclical being and being woman, trust, sexuality and life-force, embodiment, touch, empowerment, nourishment, emotional being, emotionall intelligence, authenticity, movement and stillness, daily rituals and practices, love, compassion, sleep and dietary hygiene, kindness and mindfulness.

A circle will look like this:
*We start with arriving. An embodiment practice will help us to be in the body.
*I will share about the topic.
*Following with a chech in, a sharing either in the whole circle or small pods, where you are free to share as you wish in silence or with words. Know that nobody has to share, you are free as you feel.
* Then we will meet in another practice topic related, either as solo, in partners or in a group dynamic.
*Journalling, drawing and other creative expression tools will be used to connect to your creativity.
*We end with a meditation and a harvesting moment.

You can join weekly or as frequently as you wish.
The contribution for our meeting is 6 EUR.

I welcome you, to meet yourself in this extraordinary time of your life, when i was your age, i wished to have had such a gathering and initiation set up to cultivate our inate sense of nourishing, and to support the transition i was in. Now it s your time, and i am dedicated to support your experience for a fine transition.
Without a doubt it's a radical path of the heart to be human and be woman. I welcome you as you are, with all that you experience.

Dear young females, I welcome you to learn in circle

With love and wild blessings,

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3:00 PM15:00

Moon Moments

My vision is to guide young female-identifying humans into their womenhood, for easeful transitions into their gift. We build relationship to self and others, meeting the power of the heart, trust in being - to give and receive

The topic of this weeks circle is: x

Being together in presence is essential and invalid for our connection to ourselves, and the heart. Learning early on to embrace the power of love and the power in sistership, is an experience that cannot be said in words, only the heart knows.

Moon Moment is a community, a space for young female identifying beings aged 13-17ys. It’s a place of honest connections, where we are in a shared field where we can simply be, be real, speak what's on our hearts and minds and be wise and vulnerable and all in between, depending on the current mood. Be inspired and also inspire. We meet once a week, every Friday. You will learn to build relationship and connection by being in circle together.
By sharing your presence to other like-minded beings, you will learn to receive. Feel free to come join alone, or you are welcome to bring your friend. Most importantly, come open-hearted to meet new beings that share the same challenges and timeline with you.
I am here to guide your experience into the path of your body connection, your womb and your heart as a woman. It can be your journey into embodiment, and meeting your authentic self, build confidence in relation, see yourself and and others as a powerful driven human.

It s for you if you feel lost, it‘s for you if you feel eager, it‘s for you if you feel a longing, it‘s for you if you feel a challenge in your life - in school - in your relations - in your body - your mind. Know that you are welcome exactly as you are. Trust yourself. It's also for you, if you don‘t frikkin know what you want.

Together we meet each other here in circle.
Each circle session holds a topic which you will know about prior to meeting, these topics include; togetherness, communication, healthy relations, body awareness, self-care, cyclical being and being woman, trust, sexuality and life-force, embodiment, touch, empowerment, nourishment, emotional being, emotionall intelligence, authenticity, movement and stillness, daily rituals and practices, love, compassion, sleep and dietary hygiene, kindness and mindfulness.

A circle will look like this:
*We start with arriving. An embodiment practice will help us to be in the body.
*I will share about the topic.
*Following with a chech in, a sharing either in the whole circle or small pods, where you are free to share as you wish in silence or with words. Know that nobody has to share, you are free as you feel.
* Then we will meet in another practice topic related, either as solo, in partners or in a group dynamic.
*Journalling, drawing and other creative expression tools will be used to connect to your creativity.
*We end with a meditation and a harvesting moment.

You can join weekly or as frequently as you wish.
The contribution for our meeting is 6 EUR.

I welcome you, to meet yourself in this extraordinary time of your life, when i was your age, i wished to have had such a gathering and initiation set up to cultivate our inate sense of nourishing, and to support the transition i was in. Now it s your time, and i am dedicated to support your experience for a fine transition.
Without a doubt it's a radical path of the heart to be human and be woman. I welcome you as you are, with all that you experience.

Dear young females, I welcome you to learn in circle

With love and wild blessings,

View Event →
3:00 PM15:00

Moon Moments

My vision is to guide young female-identifying humans into their womenhood, for easeful transitions into their gift. We build relationship to self and others, meeting the power of the heart, trust in being - to give and receive

The topic of this weeks circle is: x

Being together in presence is essential and invalid for our connection to ourselves, and the heart. Learning early on to embrace the power of love and the power in sistership, is an experience that cannot be said in words, only the heart knows.

Moon Moment is a community, a space for young female identifying beings aged 13-17ys. It’s a place of honest connections, where we are in a shared field where we can simply be, be real, speak what's on our hearts and minds and be wise and vulnerable and all in between, depending on the current mood. Be inspired and also inspire. We meet once a week, every Friday. You will learn to build relationship and connection by being in circle together.
By sharing your presence to other like-minded beings, you will learn to receive. Feel free to come join alone, or you are welcome to bring your friend. Most importantly, come open-hearted to meet new beings that share the same challenges and timeline with you.
I am here to guide your experience into the path of your body connection, your womb and your heart as a woman. It can be your journey into embodiment, and meeting your authentic self, build confidence in relation, see yourself and and others as a powerful driven human.

It s for you if you feel lost, it‘s for you if you feel eager, it‘s for you if you feel a longing, it‘s for you if you feel a challenge in your life - in school - in your relations - in your body - your mind. Know that you are welcome exactly as you are. Trust yourself. It's also for you, if you don‘t frikkin know what you want.

Together we meet each other here in circle.
Each circle session holds a topic which you will know about prior to meeting, these topics include; togetherness, communication, healthy relations, body awareness, self-care, cyclical being and being woman, trust, sexuality and life-force, embodiment, touch, empowerment, nourishment, emotional being, emotionall intelligence, authenticity, movement and stillness, daily rituals and practices, love, compassion, sleep and dietary hygiene, kindness and mindfulness.

A circle will look like this:
*We start with arriving. An embodiment practice will help us to be in the body.
*I will share about the topic.
*Following with a chech in, a sharing either in the whole circle or small pods, where you are free to share as you wish in silence or with words. Know that nobody has to share, you are free as you feel.
* Then we will meet in another practice topic related, either as solo, in partners or in a group dynamic.
*Journalling, drawing and other creative expression tools will be used to connect to your creativity.
*We end with a meditation and a harvesting moment.

You can join weekly or as frequently as you wish.
The contribution for our meeting is 6 EUR.

I welcome you, to meet yourself in this extraordinary time of your life, when i was your age, i wished to have had such a gathering and initiation set up to cultivate our inate sense of nourishing, and to support the transition i was in. Now it s your time, and i am dedicated to support your experience for a fine transition.
Without a doubt it's a radical path of the heart to be human and be woman. I welcome you as you are, with all that you experience.

Dear young females, I welcome you to learn in circle

With love and wild blessings,

View Event →
3:00 PM15:00

Moon Moments

My vision is to guide young female-identifying humans into their womenhood, for easeful transitions into their gift. We build relationship to self and others, meeting the power of the heart, trust in being - to give and receive

The topic of this weeks circle is: X

Being together in presence is essential and invalid for our connection to ourselves, and the heart. Learning early on to embrace the power of love and the power in sistership, is an experience that cannot be said in words, only the heart knows.

Moon Moment is a community, a space for young female identifying beings aged 13-17ys. It’s a place of honest connections, where we are in a shared field where we can simply be, be real, speak what's on our hearts and minds and be wise and vulnerable and all in between, depending on the current mood. Be inspired and also inspire. We meet once a week, every Friday. You will learn to build relationship and connection by being in circle together.
By sharing your presence to other like-minded beings, you will learn to receive. Feel free to come join alone, or you are welcome to bring your friend. Most importantly, come open-hearted to meet new beings that share the same challenges and timeline with you.
I am here to guide your experience into the path of your body connection, your womb and your heart as a woman. It can be your journey into embodiment, and meeting your authentic self, build confidence in relation, see yourself and and others as a powerful driven human.

It s for you if you feel lost, it‘s for you if you feel eager, it‘s for you if you feel a longing, it‘s for you if you feel a challenge in your life - in school - in your relations - in your body - your mind. Know that you are welcome exactly as you are. Trust yourself. It's also for you, if you don‘t frikkin know what you want.

Together we meet each other here in circle.
Each circle session holds a topic which you will know about prior to meeting, these topics include; togetherness, communication, healthy relations, body awareness, self-care, cyclical being and being woman, trust, sexuality and life-force, embodiment, touch, empowerment, nourishment, emotional being, emotionall intelligence, authenticity, movement and stillness, daily rituals and practices, love, compassion, sleep and dietary hygiene, kindness and mindfulness.

A circle will look like this:
*We start with arriving. An embodiment practice will help us to be in the body.
*I will share about the topic.
*Following with a chech in, a sharing either in the whole circle or small pods, where you are free to share as you wish in silence or with words. Know that nobody has to share, you are free as you feel.
* Then we will meet in another practice topic related, either as solo, in partners or in a group dynamic.
*Journalling, drawing and other creative expression tools will be used to connect to your creativity.
*We end with a meditation and a harvesting moment.

You can join weekly or as frequently as you wish.
The contribution for our meeting is 6 EUR.

I welcome you, to meet yourself in this extraordinary time of your life, when i was your age, i wished to have had such a gathering and initiation set up to cultivate our inate sense of nourishing, and to support the transition i was in. Now it s your time, and i am dedicated to support your experience for a fine transition.
Without a doubt it's a radical path of the heart to be human and be woman. I welcome you as you are, with all that you experience.

Dear young females, I welcome you to learn in circle

With love and wild blessings,

View Event →
3:00 PM15:00

Moon Moments

My vision is to guide young female-identifying humans into their womenhood, for easeful transitions into their gift. We build relationship to self and others, meeting the power of the heart, trust in being - to give and receive

The topic of this weeks circle is: X

Being together in presence is essential and invalid for our connection to ourselves, and the heart. Learning early on to embrace the power of love and the power in sistership, is an experience that cannot be said in words, only the heart knows.

Moon Moment is a community, a space for young female identifying beings aged 13-17ys. It’s a place of honest connections, where we are in a shared field where we can simply be, be real, speak what's on our hearts and minds and be wise and vulnerable and all in between, depending on the current mood. Be inspired and also inspire. We meet once a week, every Friday. You will learn to build relationship and connection by being in circle together.
By sharing your presence to other like-minded beings, you will learn to receive. Feel free to come join alone, or you are welcome to bring your friend. Most importantly, come open-hearted to meet new beings that share the same challenges and timeline with you.
I am here to guide your experience into the path of your body connection, your womb and your heart as a woman. It can be your journey into embodiment, and meeting your authentic self, build confidence in relation, see yourself and and others as a powerful driven human.

It s for you if you feel lost, it‘s for you if you feel eager, it‘s for you if you feel a longing, it‘s for you if you feel a challenge in your life - in school - in your relations - in your body - your mind. Know that you are welcome exactly as you are. Trust yourself. It's also for you, if you don‘t frikkin know what you want.

Together we meet each other here in circle.
Each circle session holds a topic which you will know about prior to meeting, these topics include; togetherness, communication, healthy relations, body awareness, self-care, cyclical being and being woman, trust, sexuality and life-force, embodiment, touch, empowerment, nourishment, emotional being, emotionall intelligence, authenticity, movement and stillness, daily rituals and practices, love, compassion, sleep and dietary hygiene, kindness and mindfulness.

A circle will look like this:
*We start with arriving. An embodiment practice will help us to be in the body.
*I will share about the topic.
*Following with a chech in, a sharing either in the whole circle or small pods, where you are free to share as you wish in silence or with words. Know that nobody has to share, you are free as you feel.
* Then we will meet in another practice topic related, either as solo, in partners or in a group dynamic.
*Journalling, drawing and other creative expression tools will be used to connect to your creativity.
*We end with a meditation and a harvesting moment.

You can join weekly or as frequently as you wish.
The contribution for our meeting is 6 EUR.

I welcome you, to meet yourself in this extraordinary time of your life, when i was your age, i wished to have had such a gathering and initiation set up to cultivate our inate sense of nourishing, and to support the transition i was in. Now it s your time, and i am dedicated to support your experience for a fine transition.
Without a doubt it's a radical path of the heart to be human and be woman. I welcome you as you are, with all that you experience.

Dear young females, I welcome you to learn in circle

With love and wild blessings,

View Event →
3:00 PM15:00

Moon Moments

My vision is to guide young female-identifying humans into their womenhood, for easeful transitions into their gift. We build relationship to self and others, meeting the power of the heart, trust in being - to give and receive

The topic of this weeks circle is: x

Being together in presence is essential and invalid for our connection to ourselves, and the heart. Learning early on to embrace the power of love and the power in sistership, is an experience that cannot be said in words, only the heart knows.

Moon Moment is a community, a space for young female identifying beings aged 13-17ys. It’s a place of honest connections, where we are in a shared field where we can simply be, be real, speak what's on our hearts and minds and be wise or vulnerable depending on the current mood. Be inspired and also inspire. We meet once a week every Friday. You will learn to build relationship and connection by being in circle together.
By sharing your presence to other like-minded beings, you will learn to receive. Feel free to come join alone, or you are welcome to bring your friend. Most importantly, come open-hearted to meet new beings that share the same challenges and timeline with you.
I am here to guide your experience into the path of your body connection, your womb and your heart as a woman. It can be your journey into embodiment, and meeting your authentic self, build confidence in relation, see yourself and and others as a powerful driven human.

It s for you if you feel lost, it‘s for you if you feel eager, it‘s for you if you feel a longing, it‘s for you if you feel a challenge in your life - in school - in your relations - in your body - your mind. Know that you are welcome exactly as you are. Trust yourself. It's also for you, if you don‘t frikkin know what you want.

Together we meet each other here in circle.
Each circle session holds a topic which you will know about prior to meeting, these topics include; togetherness, communication, healthy relations, body awareness, self-care, cyclical being and being woman, trust, sexuality and life-force, embodiment, touch, empowerment, nourishment, emotional being, emotionall intelligence, authenticity, movement and stillness, daily rituals and practices, love, compassion, sleep and dietary hygiene, kindness and mindfulness.

A circle will look like this:
*We start with arriving. An embodiment practice will help us to be in the body.
*I will share about the topic.
*Following with a chech in, a sharing either in the whole circle or small pods, where you are free to share as you wish in silence or with words. Know that nobody has to share, you are free as you feel.
* Then we will meet in another practice topic related, either as solo, in partners or in a group dynamic.
*Journalling, drawing and other creative expression tools will be used to connect to your creativity.
*We end with a meditation and a harvesting moment.

You can join weekly or as frequently as you wish.
The contribution for our meeting is 6 EUR.

I welcome you, to meet yourself in this extraordinary time of your life, when i was your age, i wished to have had such a gathering and initiation set up to cultivate our inate sense of nourishing, and to support the transition i was in. Now it s your time, and i am dedicated to support your experience for a fine transition.
Without a doubt it's a radical path of the heart to be human and be woman. I welcome you as you are, with all that you experience.

Dear young females, I welcome you to learn in circle

With love and wild blessings,

View Event →
3:00 PM15:00

Moon Moments

My vision is to guide young female-identifying humans into their womenhood, for easeful transitions into their gift. We build relationship to self and others, meeting the power of the heart, trust in being - to give and receive

The topic of this weeks circle is: Presence and Connection

Being together in presence is essential and invalid for our connection to ourselves, and the heart. Learning early on to embrace the power of love and the power in sistership, is an experience that cannot be said in words, only the heart knows.

Moon Moment is a community, a space for young female identifying beings aged 13-17ys. It’s a place of honest connections, where we are in a shared field where we can simply be, be real, speak what's on our hearts and minds and be wise and vulnerable and all in between, depending on the current mood. Be inspired and also inspire. We meet once a week, every Friday. You will learn to build relationship and connection by being in circle together.
By sharing your presence to other like-minded beings, you will learn to receive. Feel free to come join alone, or you are welcome to bring your friend. Most importantly, come open-hearted to meet new beings that share the same challenges and timeline with you.
I am here to guide your experience into the path of your body connection, your womb and your heart as a woman. It can be your journey into embodiment, and meeting your authentic self, build confidence in relation, see yourself and and others as a powerful driven human.

It s for you if you feel lost, it‘s for you if you feel eager, it‘s for you if you feel a longing, it‘s for you if you feel a challenge in your life - in school - in your relations - in your body - your mind. Know that you are welcome exactly as you are. Trust yourself. It's also for you, if you don‘t frikkin know what you want.

Together we meet each other here in circle.
Each circle session holds a topic which you will know about prior to meeting, these topics include; togetherness, communication, healthy relations, body awareness, self-care, cyclical being and being woman, trust, sexuality and life-force, embodiment, touch, empowerment, nourishment, emotional being, emotionall intelligence, authenticity, movement and stillness, daily rituals and practices, love, compassion, sleep and dietary hygiene, kindness and mindfulness.

A circle will look like this:
*We start with arriving. An embodiment practice will help us to be in the body.
*I will share about the topic.
*Following with a chech in, a sharing either in the whole circle or small pods, where you are free to share as you wish in silence or with words. Know that nobody has to share, you are free as you feel.
* Then we will meet in another practice topic related, either as solo, in partners or in a group dynamic.
*Journalling, drawing and other creative expression tools will be used to connect to your creativity.
*We end with a meditation and a harvesting moment.

You can join weekly or as frequently as you wish.
The contribution for our meeting is 6 EUR.

I welcome you, to meet yourself in this extraordinary time of your life, when i was your age, i wished to have had such a gathering and initiation set up to cultivate our inate sense of nourishing, and to support the transition i was in. Now it s your time, and i am dedicated to support your experience for a fine transition.
Without a doubt it's a radical path of the heart to be human and be woman. I welcome you as you are, with all that you experience.

Dear young females, I welcome you to learn in circle

With love and wild blessings,

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